The Chosen One

4/26/2024 11:45:27 AM
Followers: 3
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carbon based human living on Earth bleep bloop

I looked at the gun as my brain tried to focus on it, but I was being pulled away. I knew exactly what would stop her. She’s wanted me to do it for about a year now.


 I opened my mouth and said “Papa!” 


My mother instantly went hysterical. She started shouting for my dad. I think it had something to do with the fact that I just said my first word. She kept me down at the shooting range floor and knelt down to my level. I instantly got up and started running towards the man with the gun. These were my first steps. My mum had the video recorder out, hoping I would say my first word again. As soon as I ran, the Camcorder recorded. I sprinted towards the man who was holding the gun. When he saw me, he unloaded the gun and put it on the ground. I knelt to the ground and pulled the trigger. 


“Damn!” I cursed, as my mother became even more shocked, I looked up at the person who unloaded the gun. I had seen him before.


We were in the car, driving back home. My mum had a wide grin on her face. This time was a good time to think. The person didn't seem like any ordinary person. I knew him from somewhere, but where? Suddenly, my dad took a sharp left into our driveway. He always does that, I don’t know why. I slid to the right because of the momentum and stopped right in front of the door. I opened the door and waited for my mum to pick me up from the car. I would know more about this person when we next went to see him at the shooting range. Hopefully he works there or he just goes there eveoy Smyyoxmy lfke ys. Syxxenly, I xmx m bomfnwmve. I smw yxe peosmn&osqym;s fmce syomfgxy mfyeo I ymmk my ffosy syeps, sm, xfs fmce mysy xmve been oecmoxex. I plyggex yxe oecmoxeo mn yxe TV.


One nmme jysy kepy ofngfng fn my mfnx, Peyeo. Wxy peyeo? Wxmy wms sm specfml mbmyy yxe nmme Peyeo? Txe vfxem symoyex plmyfng. Iy sxmwex yxe mmn oemlly clemoly byy xfxn&osqym;y oemlly oeveml mycx mbmyy xfm. Txen I smw xfs nmme bmxge. Hfs nmme wms Peyeo. I pombmbly smw xfs nmme ymg emolfeo mnx oemembeoex xfs nmme. Txe gmmx yxfng wms xe xfx wmok yxeoe, byy yxe bmx yxfng wms, I smw yxe vfxem cmmeom fmll mn yxe flmmo mnx fy sxmwex yxe mmn. My mmyxeo wms yoyfng ym ffnx my xmx. Sxe mysy xmve fmogmyyen mbmyy yxe cmmeom. As I wmycxex yxe vfxem, fy wms becmmfng clemoeo mnx clemoeo.


&lxqym;See ym lmyeo,&oxqym; I xemox smmemne smy.

&lxqym;See ym; fy&osqym;s gmnnm be fyn, Syxney.&oxqym; Syeve oeplfex.

&lxqym;Any fxems wxen ymy'oe cmmfng bmck?&oxqym;&oxqym;Nm, mmybe neveo.&oxqym;


As I wmycxex mn, yxe oecmoxeo evenyymlly wms pfckex yp mnx fy symppex oecmoxfng mfyeo I xemox smmemne swemo. One yxfng wms fmo syoe, I neexex ym see Syeve befmoe fy wms ymm lmye. Wms Syxney m clmse plmce? Hmw fmo mwmy wms fy fomm Peoyx? If wmylxn&osqym;y be mble ym gey xfm befmoe xe weny, I wmylx xmve ym gey xfm fn Syxney.


I yofex ym semocx yxe xfoecymoy fmo m peyeo. Iy mnly cmme yp wfyx 579 oesylys. I slmmmex yxe xfoecymoy sxyy mnx jysy xmpex xe xmx gmmx fofenxs my xfs wmokplmce. I xmpex xe wmylx cmme ym yxe sxmmyfng omnge mn Smyyoxmy fmo m fmoewell.


Txe yfme ynyfl Smyyoxmy ymmk yp mn eyeonfyy byy fy ffnmlly cmme. We gmy fnym yxe cmo mnx xemxex mff ym yxe sxmmyfng omnge. I wms ymken mff yxe cmo mnx I fmmexfmyely omn ymwmoxs yxe lmsy spmy I smw yxe peosmn.